Mindset,  Motherhood,  Wellness

5 Self Care Quickies for the Burnt Out Mama

Tips for taking care of yourself when ‘Self Care’ just seems like ONE more thing to add to your to-do list.

You guys can probably gather by now that I feel strongly about self care and finding time, especially as busy mamas to take care of ourselves even if it’s just for 5 minutes. It is SO easy to go through an entire day of wiping bums, cleaning the kitchen counters for the 100th, going back and forth from school, sports practices, PTO meetings, and responding to 1 million “mommy, mommy, mommy” ’s without ever doing anything for ourselves. 

AND yet when someone goes and preaches to you that “you should really to do some self care” you might just want to rip their head off for suggesting you add ANOTHER thing to your to-do list. 

I get it. I really do. 

Sometimes the mental load of motherhood is so overwhelming we feel like we are going to burst at the seems with the never ending to-do list constantly playing in our heads. 

As a super busy working mama I have 100% been there and incorporating self care into my daily routine certainly did not happen over night. Believe me. It took a bunch of baby steps (think 5 mins of “me” time while I pretended to go to the bathroom) to get to where I am today with a full hour of “mom” time. Don’t worry I will share how I got there in another post soon.

SO if you’re feeling like maybe it might… maybe… kinda… be helpful to figure out some time for you during your crazy busy days, let me share some self care quickies to get you started.

  1. The ‘going to the bathroom’ me time. I know it sounds ridiculous but honestly this is where my self care habit began 7 years ago. Close the door, tell your kiddos “mama needs privacy,” grab a book you’ve been wanting to read or a trashy magazine, light a candle and take some time away for 5 mins for JUST YOU. Take a few deep breaths and quiet your mind. It is amazing what 5 mins alone can do for you. I know it’s not the most glamorous of settings but I swear it can get the job done. 
  2. The screen time/mom time trade off – I am not a huge fan of screens… and I’m also not someone who’s super good at only allowing my kids 30 mins of screen time a day. I fully understand the harm in excessive screen time and as a family we have been able to create some decent guidelines… but I do use this trade off still with my kids. If you’re parenting young kids who have been exposed to screens already then use that to your advantage. Set a timer (5-10 mins or so depending on your household screen time rules), give them their beloved iPad and take care of YOU for those minutes. Put some earpods in, lie down, do some stretches, take some deep breaths, call a friend… WHATEVER you want to do that will break up your day a little and allow you to re-center. Tell your kids about the plan that when they get to use the device, you get to relax… just make it a thing. Kids are pretty good at catching on to routines like that. 
  3. The listen to your favorite music me time … in the car… in the kitchen… while you’re cleaning. Music can be hugely therapeutic and it’s a pretty easy way to get a dose of self care in. AND it’s OK to not listen to the “wheels on the bus” for the 100th time in one day. The same goes for Podcasts – find one that resonates with you and listen whenever you can. I find podcasts to be very inspiring and very relatable – both of which help me feel like I’m doing something for me. 
  4. The ‘be like a plant’ me time: This self-care hack is SUPER SIMPLE and 100% worth it… if you think about it, we are really a lot like plants… water and sunlight are crucial for our survival (and our happiness) so drink up and get outside if you can – or grab a good Vitamin D supplement to make up for it (esp in the winter months). Keep a water bottle by your bed and try to drink as soon as you wake up – it makes drinking water throughout the rest of the day SO much easier. 
  5. The ‘just move your body’ me time: I know you may not have time to run off to the gym or do a full workout but little bursts of movement throughout the day keep your energy level up, your mental state happier and your body healthier. Aim for little challenges like 10 squats every time you pee, or 10 sit ups every time Daniel Tiger’s parents bust into a song 😉 Doing these little actions for you may not sound like a lot but they are a fabulous way to sneak in a little more fitness.

I am a firm believer in the idea that taking care of yourself allows you to better take care of those around you… and I also know it can be overwhelming to have something else you ‘have to do’ in your day. There is always room to improve on these self care habits as you get more comfortable with the idea of taking time for you, but starting with small tweaks to your day is the perfect way to begin.

You deserve it mama.