
Winter Wellness Tips & Tricks ❄️❄️❄️

My top remedies for staying HEALTHY during this cold & flu season

Ahh the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!!! It is always SO much fun and yet it can be so exhausting as well!!

It’s not uncommon for our immune systems to take a hit this time of year… when we’re running on empty our bodies sometimes need a break… and that often comes in the form of a nasty cold…

The dreaded winter break cold was definitely trying to creep into our house this week … BUT with some ‘witch doctor’ remedies and tricks I think we were all able to successfully avoid a full on cold (know that I am literally KNOCKING ON WOOD AS I TYPE THIS 😆)

SO I thought I’d show you guys what do we do to amp up our immune systems this time of year in hopes that it might help you all out too!! I will attach links to all my fav products here too because I’m sure the last place anyone wants to be right now is at Target or some other shopping center!!!

OK so for my top remedies check out the links below – and stock your medicine cabinets now!!

For Daily Winter Immune support:
We always are sure to take our multivitamins either in capsule form or in our daily shakes – if one of us is fighting something we amp it up and have our shakes AND our vitamins.

For daily vitamins
: this is one of my favorites for women and one of my favorites for the kiddos.

When it comes to winter immune support – these are my favorites of all time… and my kids think they taste like candy – which they do. Elderberry has been known for centuries to help with immunity and fighting off those nasty winter germs.

If you’re sick – you just up your dosage – which feels like a treat anyway!!

We also love the Airborne Immune Support as well – and again it tastes like candy #winwin

Now this might seem a little out of the box BUT I am also a huge fan of mushrooms for immune support – this one is pretty great. It’s a little spray that combines five of the most powerful polypore mushroom species: Agarikon, Red Reishi, Chaga, Birch Polypore and Turkey Tail which provide a unique “shield” of immune support and it tastes like peppermint. They also make capsules which are easy to take and super effective as well!

Mushrooms are an amazing source of not only immune support but also energy, sleep and overall wellness – I will post more about these powerful little guys in another post soon.

And if you do end up going down with a nasty cold – or worse the flu… these natural remedies are amazing:

Cold Calm
– I swear this is a miracle worker IF you use it correctly. Two tablets every 15 mins for the first hour you feel symptoms and then every few hours from there on until symptoms dissipate. Its safe for children 3 and up but they also make a baby formula. STOCK up on this one.

And for the flu… these remedies are GOLDEN as well – again IF you use it as directed. I promise you – its well worth it. I was shocked at how well these remedies worked when our kids had the flu last year. Sambucol Cold & Flu & Boiron Oscillococcinum

And if you’re feeling brave and don’t mind a quick dose of Apple Cider Vinegar a tablespoon of ACV with warm lemon water and dash of cinnamon is a great natural cold/flu fighter – just make sure you get a brand ‘with the mother’ and dilute it so it doesn’t mess with your tooth enamel (speaking from experience on that one!) This is my favorite brand.

If you’re feeling REALLY brave you can try Fire Cider which takes the ACV remedy one step further – the taste isn’t great but it certainly delivers a punch to those nasty germs!!

Manuka Honey the gold standard for honey. I’m sure you’ve all heard that honey is good for a cough but this stuff is like the Tulsa of all honeys… It has amazing antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for not only soothing coughs, colds and sore throats but also wound healing and digestive issues. It can be pretty expensive but a little goes a long way and it’s delicious.

And I know I linked to this before- but I just love it so much I have to keep sharing it. It also helps 1000% when you’re feeling chilled and exhausted from a nasty cold to have a nice warm (and SAFE & HEALING) heating pad on your back or belly… I am obsessed with this thing.


And lastly, as you all know we all love our superfood shakes and I swear they have been HUGELY helpful in keeping our family healthy this year.

You can check them out through this link or just ask me! I’m always happy to share!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday break and STAYING HEALTHY!! Any questions about any of these products just ask- but as the known ‘witch doctor’ at my work these are all tested, tried and true – I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped us!!

And remember getting enough SLEEP, staying HYDRATED, eating WELL and staying ACTIVE (even when its freezing out) do wonders for your immune system and overall health. SO remember to try to weave those in to your daily activities this season as well – if you need a little help coming up with wellness plan I’m always here for that!! XOXO